Cafe Escapes Chai Latte

cafe escapes chai latte

A Quick Overview of The Café Escapes Chai Latte

Cafe Escape Chai Latte


The Cafe Escapes Chai Latte is a great tasting coffee alternative for those who want to have a healthier caffeine fix. The beverage tastes sweet and spicy, and it is available in the following flavors:

  • Green cardamom – Cardamom can be described as one of our most versatile spices. It is almost floral in scent, and has a warming, earthy taste. This is the only spice that you should not skip when making your own chai. Instead of buying whole pods, crack them gently and steep the chai.
  • Cloves – Although some may consider cloves unnecessary, they enhance the flavor of the tea by combining the sweetness of cinnamon with the spice of black pepper.
  • Cinnamon sticks – Cinnamon, one of the sweeter spices that can be used in chai flavoring, is Cinnamon. You can use the sticks to make a latte, but you can also garnish it with some ground cinnamon for a gorgeous and fragrant end.
  • Fresh ginger – Fresh ginger – You could use whole, dried ginger in chai. However, it is often more difficult to find. Fresh ginger gives the chai a fresh, spicy flavor.
  • Black peppercorns – This spice can be used in chai. It adds heat to the brew and balances the sweetness.

A Quick Overview of The Café Escapes Chai Latte

The Café Escapes Chai Latte is a rich and satisfying chai tea experience with authentic spice and flavor and is made with a mix blend of black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, black pepper, and other classic chai spices.

The Café Escapes Chai Latte is available in three varieties: Regular, Decaf and Vanilla Spice.

  • Regular is a mix of brewed tea, milk, sugar and cardamom.
  • Decaf is a mix of brewed tea, milk, sugar and cardamom.
  • Vanilla Spice includes a blend of sweetened vanilla chai tea.

How to Make the Perfect Café Escapes Chai Latte at Home

I’ve been really excited about the opportunity to try and recreate Café Escapes Chai Latte at home. I think that this is a great thing to do for yourself, or to share with someone who might not be able to get out of the house often.

Here you go!

This Chai Latte recipe has the spicy and sweet flavor you love. You can make it at home, which is much healthier than buying it in a café.


2 cups almond butter (or any other milk)

2 bags of black tea (optional; I prefer Darjeeling).

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, or to your taste

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

Ground cloves, 1/8 teaspoon

3 tablespoons maple syrup or sweetener de your choice


  • Caffeine in tea will be a problem. On medium heat, heat almond milk in a saucepan. Once it starts bubbling around the edges of your pan, turn off the heat. Turn off the heat. Now add the 2 teabags to the boiling milk. The tea should steep for at least 3 to 5 minutes before you take the bags off and move on to the next step.
  • If you aren’t drinking tea, make almond milk by adding it to a sauce pan.
  • Now that the milk has been added to the saucepan, (regardless of whether it was brewed as tea or not), add the cinnamon and ginger, cloves, maple syrup, and stir. Combine the ingredients and stir over medium heat. Continue to cook until the mixture becomes piping hot.
  • Season to taste. Serve immediately. You can store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to four days. They can be served chilled or on ice.


The Chai Latte – The World’s Most Beloved Tea Drink

The chai latte is a tea-based beverage that people drink for its taste, the warmth it brings, and the health benefits.

This drink is popular in parts of Eastern India, North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. It is also extremely popular in countries like England and Ireland. The word “chai” is Hindi for “tea.” “Latte” is Italian for “milk.”


7 Amazing Health Benefits from Chai Tea

It can wake you up

This tea is great for starting your day or giving you a boost of energy mid-day thanks to its high caffeine content. Because it contains black tea leaves that naturally contain caffeine, chai tea latte contains caffeine.

Does chai tea latte have caffeine?

Each chai can be made with a different amount of black tea so it is difficult to determine how many grams of caffeine each tea bag contains. Chai tea has about the same amount of caffeine as regular coffee, and approximately one-third the amount as strong coffee.

This means that you can have several cups per day of chai tea without experiencing the side effects of several cups’ coffee. Even if you don’t have the time, you can still enjoy the stimulant effects of chai tea. You can reduce your caffeine intake by switching to chai tea. This will help you feel less jittery and also make it easier to quit coffee.

It improves digestion

Chai tea, like many other teas, is good for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Ginger is the key ingredient in chai tee that has many digestive health benefits. Ginger aids digestion by increasing circulation and delivering oxygen into organs to ensure optimal performance.

Black pepper, another spice found in chai, aids digestion. This helps the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes. These enzymes are catalysts that speed up digestion and help to break down fats as well as proteins. A more efficient digestive system will help you avoid serious problems like liver disease, iron deficiency, and irritable intestinal syndrome. You will also be able to lose weight faster.

Alleviates Nausea

Ginger is well-known for its ability to reduce nausea. It has also been used to treat common conditions such as nausea or seasickness during pregnancy. The amount of ginger found in Chai tea is approximately 1 to 1.5 grams. This is the amount that has been proven to be effective in treating nausea

Gingerol and shogaol are the biological compounds in ginger that can be used to relieve nausea. These compounds are anti-inflammatory and can soothe upset stomachs and relieve nausea. Click here for more information on teas that relieve nausea

Aches and Pains

Chai tea’s spices can be used to relieve common pains, as well as those suffering from more severe conditions like arthritis. These health benefits are due to the anti-inflammatory properties many of the ingredients in Chai Tea, particularly ginger and clove.

The ability to reduce inflammation has been demonstrated to ginger root. This can help ease minor headaches and migraines. The benefits of ginger root include increased circulation and the delivery of oxygen-rich blood cells to affected areas.

Cloves have been used for homeopathy to relieve minor pains such as toothaches for more than 2,000 years. Cloves can be used to treat a variety of dental problems including tooth pain and dry sockets. According to research, clove gel can be used as a topical pain relief in place of benzocaine.

It can support your immune system

Drinking a few cups every day of chai tea can help you build a healthy immune system. Cardamom is a traditional Tibetan medicine staple. It contains high levels of vitamin C and other nutrients that help keep your immune system healthy. You can also find other research about the immune-boosting benefits of tea here.

Cardamom is found in India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Sri Lanka. It can be purchased in both black and green varieties. Green cardamom has a balanced, vibrant flavor while black has a stronger taste.

It’s important to know if your loose-leaf tea has black or green cardamom if you want to reap the benefits of this spice in your chai. Black cardamom is well-known for its expectorant and antiseptic properties, while green cardamom can clear your sinuses and detoxify the body. Both types of cardamom in chai tea contain antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities that can help fight common colds, bacteria, and fungus.

Protect overall cell health and prevent chronic diseases

Chai tea contains a high amount of powerful antioxidants, called polyphenols. They eliminate free radicals. They can damage cells and can also be caused by chemical contaminants or food chemicals. Free radicals have been associated with many chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The polyphenols in chai tea are higher than those found in fruits and vegetables. This means that a regular intake of chai tea can help to protect cell health. Cloves and cinnamon are two of the highest-antioxidant herbs. Chai tea also contains these spices. These antioxidant properties protect the body against bacteria, viruses, cell degeneration and cell death. Additionally, antioxidants can slow down aging.

It may improve your heart health

Animal studies have shown that cinnamon, which is the main ingredient in chai, can help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Studies have shown that black tea can reduce blood cholesterol and has healthy effects on the heart. Although there have been no studies linking chai tea to heart health, evidence suggests that many chai ingredients can help build a healthy and happy heart.

Researchers discovered that cinnamon contains oils that can help fight diabetes. These compounds may help regulate blood sugar levels. Numerous studies have shown cinnamon as a potential aid to people with Type 2 Diabetes. Consuming chai tea regularly for a long time can prevent heart disease.

Conclusion: The Perfect Pairing for Your Day

The perfect pairing for your day:

  1. Enjoy the sunshine.
  2. Read a good book.
  3.  Drink a refreshing beverage.
  4.  Spend time with someone you love.


My day begins with a cup of coffee and it ends with a cup of tea. I drink coffee all day because it gives me the energy I need to get through my day, and I drink tea at night, because it helps me relax and fall asleep.