CONFUSED ON HOW TO GRIND COFFEE? Here’s a helpful guide.

Ground Coffee

The Grounds are the Key to a Great Cup of Coffee

Coffee lovers know that freshly ground beans make the best coffee. It can be difficult to grind your own beans and make a great cup of coffee.

This guide will help you get started with coffee grinding, whether you’re just starting out or have been doing it for years.

How to get the best coffee grounds


Ground Coffee

The most important thing about grinding your own coffee beans is the quality of the ground. The brew will be weak if the grounds are too fine. This is because it’s harder to extract the flavor from coarser grounds. You might also notice a slight acidity, saltiness, or a slight sour taste in the coffee.

Still, you can run the threat that your coffee will be over-extracted if your grounds are too fine. Although this may not feel like a problem, it can lead to coffee that’s too strong and unwelcome. This will frequently lead to bitter tasting coffee with no distinct coffee bean flavor.

The Perfect Coffee Grinder for the Right Medium

There are many options for how to brew coffee. These include automatic drip coffee machines, French presses, espresso machines, and others. Perhaps most importantly, your choice of brewing medium will determine how fine or coarse your grind should be. Here are some guidelines:

  • Extra-Rapid Grounds Cold brewing is best done with extra-fine grounds.
  • Coarse Grounds Use coarse ground with a French Press or Chemex brewer.
  • Medium Grounds :You can grind beans on the medium setting if you have an automatic drip brewer, pour-over drip system, or an automated drip machine.
  • Fine Grounds If you use an espresso maker or make coffee on the stovetop, fine grounds will be what you need.
  • Extra-Fine Grounds Extra-fine coffees are best for very dark roasts like Greek or Turkish coffee.

Which coffee grinder is the best?


coffee grinder


There are two types of coffee grinders: the blade and the burr. The type of coffee grinder you choose will affect the taste and texture. Blade coffee grinders are very popular but they don’t produce as good a grind as burr. Because the blade spins, heat and friction create heat that can actually cause coffee to be cooked. The coffee may sometimes taste too cooked. Blade grinders can produce uneven grounds that are a mixture of coarse and fine.

Burr grinders, on the contrary, use uniform pressure and rotation to crush beans into a consistent grind. Burr grinders work at lower speeds so that no heat is generated. Coffee with consistent grounds and no heat is better.


Are you ready to make the ultimate cup of coffee?

You now know the secrets to making the best cup of coffee fresh out of the beans.  is the place to go if you are looking for a new coffee brewer or grinder, as well as fresh coffee beans. Do not settle for a poor cup of coffee. Master the grind and you will always enjoy a delicious cup of freshly brewed coffee.