Study: Coffee offers protection against COVID-19

Coffee and COVID-19

As I was sitting in dominoes (I am the “dominatrix”), a member of my dominoes group presented a new study that linked coffee consumption with a lower risk of developing symptoms of coronavirus . It was coffee, cappuccino, and espresso. The waitress returned to our table with our usual order: an IV hookup as well as extra-strong coffee.

A new study published in Science shows that drinking “one cup” of coffee daily can lower the risk of COVID-19.

Although they didn’t prove causation, the results showed that Coronavirus symptoms were 10%. More common in those who consumed coffee every day than those who did. The risk of developing Coronavirus was also lower the more coffee one drank per day.

Researchers found that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop severe COVID-19. The positive association between coffee consumption and inflammatory biomarkers such as CRP. Interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor 1 (TNF-1), is also indicative of COVID-19 severity.

Particularly, with regard to my life and coffee intake per day I can say that unless there is a massive scaffold on my head, I will have a long, happy, fulfilling life. Although I don’t have the expertise to interpret all those inflammatory biomarkers, I can say that mortality* seems like a really bad side effect.

Further research has shown that older people are at a lower risk of getting pneumonia from coffee consumption.

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds are abundant in coffee beans. These antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are why coffee beans have a strong correlation with COVID-19 consumption.

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