Tea vs. Coffee: Comparing Their Health Benefits

Coffee Health Benefits

Coffee VS Tea drinkers


Coffee and tea are two of the most popular beverages worldwide, each offering a variety of health benefits. Both drinks are rich in compounds that can protect against numerous health conditions, including certain cancers and diabetes, and may even promote longevity.

Health Benefits of Coffee and Tea

Common Benefits

Both coffee and tea are loaded with protective plant compounds that offer numerous health benefits. Regular consumption of these beverages has been linked to a lower risk of common diseases and a reduction in early mortality.

Antioxidant Power

One of the significant benefits of both coffee and tea is their high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, which can lead to oxidative stress and subsequent cell damage. This process helps prevent various diseases.

  • Coffee: Contains over 1,000 bioactive compounds, including polyphenol antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, known for its anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive properties. Coffee is the primary source of polyphenols and phenolic acids in many diets.
  • Tea: Rich in antioxidants like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), particularly in green tea, which offers powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea also contains flavonols such as quercetin, myricetin, kaempferol, and others. Black tea is also high in polyphenol antioxidants like thearubigins and theaflavins, which contribute to its dark color and slightly bitter taste.

Protection Against Chronic Diseases

The compounds in coffee and tea may help reduce the risk of several chronic diseases:

  • Coffee: Associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, gout, and liver diseases like fatty liver disease and liver cancer.
  • Tea: Linked to reduced risks of coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.
  • Both beverages have shown protective effects against certain cancers and type 2 diabetes, and consumption before and after a diabetes diagnosis can significantly reduce the risk of death.
  • A study involving 365,682 participants found that coffee and tea drinkers had a lower risk of dementia and stroke compared to non-drinkers. Consuming 2-3 cups of coffee or tea per day was associated with a 28% and 32% lower risk of dementia and stroke, respectively.

Longevity Benefits

Incorporating coffee or tea into your daily routine may contribute to a longer, healthier life. Studies indicate that regular coffee and tea drinkers have a lower risk of all-cause mortality compared to those who don’t consume these beverages.

  • A study of 118,872 participants with metabolic syndrome revealed that consuming 2 cups of tea plus 2 cups of coffee daily lowered the risk of cancer-related death by 21%. Drinking 3 cups of tea plus at least 4 cups of coffee daily was associated with a 24% lower risk of all-cause mortality.
  • Another study involving 4,923 people with type 2 diabetes found that higher green tea and coffee intake was linked to a reduced risk of death from all causes.

More Benefits of Coffee

In addition to the shared benefits with tea, coffee has unique health effects. Research shows it is particularly beneficial for liver health, potentially protecting against conditions like fatty liver disease and liver cancer.

A review of 11 studies found that coffee drinkers had a 23% lower risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and a 32% reduced risk of liver fibrosis compared to non-coffee drinkers. Coffee’s high concentration of antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, can reduce inflammation, protect against liver fibrosis, and decrease fat accumulation in the liver, thereby supporting overall liver health.

Coffee also contains more caffeine than tea, with 91.8 milligrams (mg) per cup, compared to 47 mg in a cup of black tea and 29.4 mg in green tea. This higher caffeine content can enhance athletic performance, improving reaction time, power, and aerobic capacity.

More Benefits of Tea

Like coffee, tea has unique health benefits, including boosting mental health. Green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid known for its anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties. L-theanine interacts with the central nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.

Green tea’s high L-theanine content may help reduce anxiety symptoms and stress hormones, offering protection against depression. A review of eight studies found that frequent green tea consumption was associated with a 34% reduced risk of depressive symptoms.

Black tea intake is also linked to a reduced risk of depression. A study of 491 adults found that those who consumed more than one cup of black tea per day had a lower risk of depression compared to those who drank less.

Regular tea consumption has also been shown to protect against heart disease by lowering risk factors like high LDL cholesterol.

Risks and Side Effects

While coffee and tea offer health benefits, excessive caffeine can have negative effects. Since coffee is significantly higher in caffeine, those sensitive to its stimulant effects should limit their intake. Experts recommend adults keep their daily caffeine intake below 400 mg—about 4 cups of coffee or 8 cups of black tea. Pregnant individuals should limit caffeine to less than 200 mg per day.

Consuming too much caffeine can cause side effects like anxiety, heart palpitations, headaches, high blood pressure, and pregnancy complications. It’s important to stay within the recommended limits and assess personal caffeine tolerance to avoid these issues.

Additionally, avoid consuming very hot beverages. Regularly drinking coffee or tea above 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) is associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer.

Excessive black tea consumption could inhibit iron absorption, which is a concern for individuals with low iron levels or iron-deficient anemia.

Which Is Better for Health?

Both coffee and tea offer significant health benefits, so including both in your diet is often preferable. Switching between coffee, green tea, black tea, and herbal tea introduces a variety of health-promoting compounds.

Personal preference for flavor plays a role in choosing between coffee and tea. Whether you prefer one over the other or enjoy both, it’s essential to stay within the daily recommended caffeine limits.

Be mindful of added sugars, which can negate the health benefits of your beverages. Opt for unsweetened coffee and tea and avoid high-sugar additives like sweetened creamers.

A Quick Review

Coffee and tea are popular beverages with numerous health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, and regular consumption may protect against several chronic diseases and contribute to a longer, healthier life. Coffee may offer specific benefits for liver health and athletic performance, while tea may be better for reducing anxiety, protecting against depression, and boosting heart health. Including both beverages in a balanced diet can help maximize these benefits.

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